Hello, everybody, and welcome once again! If you’re a
new reader: come on in, pull up a chair and relax for a bit. If you’ve been
reading this for a while: I am so sorry for my silence; I have a cold that
doesn’t really want to let go. And of course it started right when I was
embarking on one of those crazy weeks where everything happens all at the same
So, I have so much to tell you about just to catch up!
I’m writing this on Saturday morning; the boys won’t
be up for a while, probably, so I have a bit of time to myself.
In late August and early September, the weather turns
slightly; there is a new crispness in the air, a first hint of autumn. You feel
invigorated, ready to think and work again after the warm laziness of summer. I
really love this period, which, let’s face it, is usually rather short, before
the real autumn weather sets in.
There is a beautiful song written about exactly this
crisp September weather: Septembers
himmel er så blå or Blue is the
September sky. The song has a lot of colour imagery, from the blue sky with
its shining white clouds, over yellow corn fields, red apples and other fruits:
‘the rowan stands red and the sloe is blue, and purple-black stands the elder’.
We have a celebration of all the richness of autumn, in colour and in the
products of nature; and a premonition of the deep autumn and winter to come. Of
course there is an allegory to life, in which you need to not just be a summer flower
that withers away, but to mature and bear fruit, the red heart of the rosehip.
The poet who wrote this lovely song was Alex Garff
(1904-1977), who was also a translator and a teacher; he taught my mother at
her gymnasium (Aurehøj) and at Randers Statsskole, where I used to teach. Small
world, this country.
Well, we did have some of this glorious September
weather, and then it decided to skip straight to October. So no more white
clouds on a blue sky, now it’s all grey and raining and windy and ... sorry, I’ll
stop here. I’m feeling a bit under the weather, so to speak, my throat is sore,
and – oh, a ray of sunlight! Literally. And, of course, it helps mood-wise,
too. Though my big plans for today are still knitting and watching X-Files.
Again. But, hey, Mulder – need I say more?
Anyway, catching up: what have I been up to these past
two weeks?
Well, I did go to the craft exhibition on Saturday 1st,
as announced. Hmm, not really my thing. There were lots of ceramics, some
jewellery, a bit of felting and watercolour, some rather odd-looking clothes,
more ceramics and some knitting. All done by local female crafters and artists.
But again, not really my style; and I wasn’t out to buy ceramic cats or knitted
items or jewellery, although I did see a couple of silver pieces that I liked.
And again, there is the issue of pricing on handcrafted items. I am the last
person to question prices on handknits, I know how many hours go into them; but
I did see a row of scarves in different colours, made from what looked like a
skein or two each of loopy mohair. Price: 600 DKK. That’s about 80 Euros. For a
scarf that’s probably soft and warm, but looks like a newbie knitter took over
halfway through to give it that unintentional-yarnover-holes look.
Of course, as a knitter I can be all haughty and think
‘I could make that, and much nicer, too.’ And I did think that it looks like an
easy way to make money. Except I know I would go nuts knitting the same project
over and over again – and it would feel like prostitution.
So all in all, I didn’t spend much time, or any money,
at this sales exhibition. I’ll have to find another way to help. It wasn’t a
complete waste, though: it is a distance of about 4 kilometres each way, on my
bike, in the lovely crisp September sunshine.
And on the same day, I actually went to see a movie. I
don’t go to the cinema that often, usually only the boys and I need to go see
something that cannot wait, like Harry Potter or James Bond, or when there are
free tickets involved ...
So, one day I came across a quiz in a history magazine
newsletter, entering to win two movie tickets. I’m not one of those people who
win stuff, but I thought I might as well try it; at least I could spend a few
minutes exercising my brain. And then, all of a sudden, an envelope arrived
with two free tickets for Abraham Lincoln:
Vampire Hunter. So, an outing was planned. Andreas didn’t want to go – he doesn’t
really do cinemas, though he did say he may want to go to the new James Bond.
Well, he does have Asperger’s, so it can’t be a surprise to anybody that he
prefers to watch movies by himself on his humongous computer screen rather than
going out among a lot of strangers.
And watching dvd’s does have its advantages: you can
keep on some light to knit, so you aren’t limited to vanilla socks, there are
fewer people chatting away around you – and you can opt out of subtitles.
Victor usually likes having English subtitles on, and so we do that at home;
but at the cinema, everybody is stuck with Danish subtitles that are at best a
distraction, but way too often riddled with mistakes. An example: in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, in
the tale of the three brothers, Death cuts off a branch of an elder tree to
fashion a wand. This is translated correctly – elder is ‘hyld’ in Danish –
fine. In literally the next frame, the Elder Wand is translated as ‘Ældrestaven’,
as if elder is the same as older. See what I mean?
Anyway, enough with the ranting. Thomas, Victor and I drove
to Aalborg, because that was the nearest cinema still showing this film. We had
the GPS on for the last bit of driving into the city and set it to be ‘Werner’.
So we had a male voice telling us (me, of course) what to do in the next
Kreisverkehr: roundabouts a quite the fashion in Danish traffic planning, I
have no idea why.
The film operates on the premise that the beloved
American president Abraham Lincoln spent his youth, before he went into
politics, hunting vampires – with an axe. Of course, he has to get his axe back
out later in life, during the Civil War, and there is a tie-in with the
Abolition, as well. I’ll say no more, no spoilers here. As an example of the
history-cum-monsters genre, I think it works quite well; the additions to the ‘real’
history make sense in their own way, and as far as I could tell, they haven’t
butchered the facts too much. Apart from ignoring all of Lincoln’s children but
one, that is.
And the ageing makeup is brilliantly done. We follow
Lincoln and his wife and closest friends from their youth until 1865, and they
age gradually and convincingly. At first I found Benjamin Walker an odd choice,
but he comes to really look the part. At some point I thought ‘Lincoln’
resembles Liam Neeson – who was actually considered for the role in the ‘proper’
Lincoln film with Daniel Day-Lewis.
Several days in advance, I started considering what
knitting to bring: I had my vanilla sock project, but they were supposed to be
knitting for reading, not for watching movies. On the other hand, I do want to
get them done. I brought them anyway after having quickly finished the heel on
the first one, and did most of the leg during the movie. And I didn’t even drop
a stitch, though it was a close call the first time a vampire jumped out of the
dark :o)
So, that was pretty much the weekend; I woke up on
Sunday with a cold. Great.
And then the week jumped me: two meetings on Tuesday;
on Wednesday, I went to see my physiotherapist to watch the tape (file) of me
running on a treadmill that he had made the week before (the recording, not the
treadmill). I have struggled somewhat with peroneal tendonitis and achilles
tendonitis, both on the right side, so we needed to find out if my running style
is wonky and puts undue strain on my right leg. It isn’t, luckily. He told me
that my running looks good; and while it’s always nice to get a compliment, it’s
even better to get a positive professional evaluation.
Wednesday evening, my sister held a Tupperware party.
No, please don’t facepalm, I’ve already had to endure the ridicule from three
teenage boys! Victor promptly went to Wikipedia and found a picture of 60’s
ladies with the upswept hair and the skirt suits, pearls and high heels. Yeah,
that’s likely to be me anytime soon!
Picking up again Sunday morning; my brain refused to
make more words at some point, and it all dissolved into X-Files. And brainless
Anyway, Tupperware: this was my first such event, my
sister’s first as the hostess; so now, we are truly grown up :o)
I drove up there with my mother, who has done these
things before; in fact, all of the Tupperware that I have, I have from her.
Luckily, it was a small party, just the three of us, the Tupperware lady, and –
surprise – our cousin and her ... step-sister-in-law? The wife of the son of
the widow of my uncle. Never mind, it was a nice little gathering, I got to
chat with people I don’t see all that often – and I made my very first
Tupperware shopping.
This had to be the week, of course, when Thomas’ laptop
turned pink. Or at least, the screen did, with the picture scrolling and
bouncing – quite Hello Kitty on acid. Not very useful for school work. Not
surprisingly, he could get a new and better laptop for the price of a repair or
replacement of the screen on the ‘old’ one (he’s had it for more than three
years); so after borrowing a notebook from my dad for a couple of days while
waiting, he got the new one.
It makes me feel quite old sometimes, realising how
dependent kids are on these devices. I don’t mean this in any disparaging way,
it’s only a matter of how things change. When I finished school in 1990, you
could apply to use one of the school’s few electric typewriters for the written
exams. The normal thing was writing by hand. IT was an elective subject; I took
it in 9th grade, all the way back in 1987. We learned to make simple
programs in DOS. Really.
Now, you cannot get through school without a computer;
IT is by law integrated into every aspect of education – and entertainment, and
social life, and ...
Don’t get me wrong, I love my laptop and use it every
day – when it got water spilled on it and went black, I was teetering on the
edge of despair for the couple of days it was drying out, even though Andreas
assured me that the hard drive was dry, and my data thus would be intact.
On Friday, I went with Andreas to get a new passport;
he needs it for our trip to Nottingham in November (more about that another
time), and I need his passport number to book plane tickets; and since he’s
away at school all day except every other Friday, we had to go that day.
Luckily, that all went very fast; everything is digitalised, even the photo:
you go to the photographer, have a picture taken, and they send it directly to
the passport office. No waiting around for developing, no cutting out from
paper. All they need is your cpr-number; in Denmark, everybody is issued at
birth with a number in the Central Person Register, your date of birth in six
digits and four personal digits that end with an even number for females and an
uneven for males. At first, this number was supposed to be more or less secret,
used only by government offices and such; nowadays, you need it everywhere: in
every form of health facility, in employment and financial matters, banking and
tax-paying. All of your personal information is stored using that number – and in
theory, or maybe only in science fiction, accessible to cross-referencing
between separate registers.
Sorry, this is turning into a quite an orwellian
digression. What I wanted to say was that the speed of the whole operation was
essential because this was also the weekend of the big craft exhibition, and I
was meeting my sister there on the Friday.
My mum came along, too, and they made a first round of
the whole thing while I was doing the official business; after that, she went
home, and my sister and I looked at the knitting and other stuff ...
The gender profile of the event is dominantly female;
the age profile leans towards the elderly. You could probably count on one hand
the number of men under the age of sixty to set foot in those two halls the
whole weekend.
We did some shopping: honey, mustard, mead, tea, all
yummy treats; I bought some lovely beads for stitch markers. My sister bought some
I was all the time thinking that I have quite a stash and that if I was
going to buy yarn, it would have to be for dyeing. So, no yarn shopping for me.
Shocking, isn’t it?
Last instalment Monday morning: the boys are all at
school, I’m feeling better today, so let’s get this show on the road.
I do want to tell you about the dyeing I have been
doing, and an outing last Saturday during the crazy week – but I’ll write a
post more or less devoted to that; this is getting long enough already, and I
don’t want you to get all cross-eyed from staring at the screen for too long
So, later this week there will be colours from nature
The TARDIS mitts to go with the cowl are done, as
well, and the pattern posted on Ravelry. Another free download :o)
And I made a scarf for Victor. He had a cold, and I
realised his only scarf was a store bought acrylic one. How shameful! Something
had to be done. The lovely soft Angora Silk Tweed in denim blue that I still
had loads of would come in handy here.
Now, how to choose a scarf pattern for a 14-yr old
boy? I did a search on Ravelry, obviously (heh), and got the reply: ‘Not one of
the silly ones.’ Sorry about that, Stephen West – I still like your things! He
settled on the Fibonacci scarf by Rachel Tatman, a free Ravelry download, which
is always a good thing. The scarf is knitted in a simple rib with a bit of
geekery, in one colour. The ribbing goes like a Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3,
5, 8, ... so k1, p1, k2, p3, k5, p8, k5, p3, k2, p1, k1. A quick & easy
knit, aka mind-numbingly monotonous, which suited my febrile brain just fine. I
cast on Friday around midday and cast off Saturday evening. Done, as Gordon
Ramsay would say.
During the endless repeats of the same two rows I
thought about doing a similar sequence in the other direction, casting on
something like 300 stitches and knitting the scarf lengthwise, like the
Creekbed. Hmm, there may be another scarf coming up ...
And speaking of easy knits: the blue scarf had pushed
in front of it another project that I’ve been wanting to cast on – a Hitchhiker.
Yes, I’m going with the crowd. That’s okay sometimes. The Hitchhiker is a
triangular, rather elongated scarf with a saw tooth edge on one leg; if you
make it with a 150 gram skein of sock yarn, you get – yes, you got it right
first time: 42 teeth. It has 6937 projects on Ravelry, which makes it no. 25 on
the ‘most projects’ list.
A couple of weeks ago I was out walking in the
evening, feeling a bit cold, and listening to the Twinneedle podcast. Tini was
talking about knitting a Hitchhiker, so of course I imagined myself wearing one;
I even knew which yarn I wanted to use for it. The multi-coloured Bibliophile
sock project has been lying around next to or on top of purple things and
sometimes in a purple project bag – so I have noticed that the colours in the
yarn go well with purple. Both my summer jacket and my winter coat are purple
... see where I’m going with this? I have five balls of the yarn in the same
colourway, bought on a whim and a bargain, and the socks will use up less than
a ball and a half. I can easily use three balls for a scarf, and maybe even
have enough left for a pair of gloves. We’ll see. So, Saturday evening I cast
on a Hitchhiker; I did the first two teeth 4 times before I was satisfied with
both the increases and the edges: the kfb’s in the pattern made for a very
knotty edge, and doing yo’s instead made it all way too slouchy. It didn’t
help, either, that I misunderstood the instructions for the tooth cast-off. I’m
blaming the fever for that. And maybe the gin. Anyway, after consulting the
German version of the pattern and deciding to do pick-up increases just inside
the edge stitch and twisted slips of the edge stitches themselves, I got it
right; and all of a sudden I had ten teeth done.
So, instead of finishing my socks, that I really want
to be finished, I made a scarf for Victor and cast on for another one for me.
And I did cast on for a lengthways Fibonacci scarf for Thomas, and I’m
considering entering the Shinybees KAL for squares for African AIDS orphans ...
It’s all simple knitting right now; my plans for a top
down cardigan are simmering, but that is going to need more brainpower than I
have available at the moment.
That’s all for now – I hope you have a very good week
with just the right amount of knitting and not too awful weather :o)
I will be back with colourful updates, till then:
Happy knitting!
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