Autumn 2013

Autumn 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


So, this morning the KAL for the Comfort of a Friend Woman Shawl began over at the WWMDfK group, with swatching and counting and measuring ... all good fun, nice and harmless.

And then, four hours later, I see a thread on Ravelry – my main news site (I’m only partially joking): someone exploded two devices at the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday afternoon EST, right at the 4:09 mark, when presumably quite a lot of runners were finishing.

Oh. Wow. Boston really needs the Comfort of a Friend right now, all the runners there and elsewhere. I am shocked. Why would anyone want to blow up runners, spectators, volunteers? This is so wrong.

And what will happen to marathon events the world over? Seeing how airport security has changed since 9/11, this has to have a huge impact on the organisation of – well, any sports event, really.

My heart goes out to all runners, whether in Boston or not, to all relatives, spectators, volunteers, and everybody in Boston, whether runners or not.

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